Emergency Preparedness Guide for a Tornado in Houston

1. Understand the Risk

  • Know Your Area: Houston is susceptible to tornadoes, especially during spring and summer months.

  • Watch vs. Warning:

    • Tornado Watch: Conditions are favorable for a tornado.

    • Tornado Warning: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Seek shelter immediately.

2. Prepare in Advance

  • Emergency Kit:

    • Water (one gallon per person per day for at least three days)

    • Non-perishable food (at least a three-day supply)

    • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio

    • Flashlight and extra batteries

    • First aid kit

    • Whistle to signal for help

    • Dust mask to filter contaminated air

    • Local maps

    • Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery

  • Safe Room: Identify a safe room or storm shelter. Basements are best, but if unavailable, choose an interior room on the lowest floor with no windows.

  • Emergency Plan:

    • Develop a family emergency plan, including where to go and how to communicate.

    • Conduct regular tornado drills.

    • Ensure all family members know how to turn off utilities.

3. During a Tornado

  • Shelter Immediately:

    • Go to your pre-designated safe room.

    • If outside, seek shelter in a sturdy building immediately.

    • If in a vehicle, do not try to outrun a tornado. Find a low-lying area, such as a ditch, and cover your head.

  • Protect Yourself:

    • Cover your head and neck with your arms.

    • Use a blanket, mattress, or other sturdy material for additional protection.

4. After a Tornado

  • Stay Informed:

    • Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or local news for updates and instructions.

  • Safety First:

    • Avoid downed power lines and broken gas lines.

    • Inspect your home for damage. If you suspect structural damage, leave immediately.

  • Help Others:

    • Check on neighbors, especially those who may need assistance.

    • Offer help and support to those affected by the tornado.

5. Additional Resources

  • City of Houston Office of Emergency Management: Houston OEM Website

  • American Red Cross: Red Cross Tornado Safety

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): FEMA Tornado Safety

By following this guide, you can enhance your preparedness and ensure you and your family stay safe during a tornado in Houston.


Hurricane Disaster Preparedness: Stay Ready in Houston, Texas